London Fields Primary School

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London Fields Primary School News

School News

The latest news stories from London Fields Primary School.


News Stories

    Friends of London Fields parents association would like to announce their upcoming Annual General Meeting
  • Be Bright, Stay in Sight competition update...
    Thank you to everyone who entered the competition!
  • Work Week Projects
    Year 4 have become chocolatiers!
  • FOLF Thank you!
    The grand total raised from all our amazing volunteers time and effort is £4,364! Plus, £350 charity donation from the toy stall to 'Save the Children' and 'Street Child'.
  • Give Help. Donate Food
    Our Hackney foodbank relies heavily on your goodwill and support so please donate food to us if you can.
  • Be Bright, Stay in Sight
  • Road Safety Competition!
    The JRSOs need your help!
  • 90kg Rice Challenge Completed!
    Thank you to everyone for all your support!
  • Stolen bike alert - Parents
    Another parent this morning has unfortunately reported a bike stolen on drop off. Bikes are frequently stolen in this area. Please ensure (even if the visit is for a few seconds/minutes) that the bike is secured with a suitable lock. 
  • Big Me day 2019!
    Today we demonstrated our plans for the future by dressing up as 'Big Me'. We represented a huge range of careers from Doctors and Vets, to Pilots and Footballers, Builders and Fashion Designers and a LOT of teachers!
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