London Fields Primary School

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Lost Property


As winter progresses we always increasingly have issues with lost property and mislaid coats, hats and scarves etc. The staff try their absolute hardest to make sure that children do not lose their belongings but sometimes things still go missing. 


We would ask for your support in the following ways: 

1. Please make sure all clothing is clearly labelled with permanent marker. 

2. Please check that your child has not taken home a coat or other item of clothing that does not belong to them by accident. If they have, please bring it back in. We know that sometimes children go home after school with different family members or family friends – please check with them too. 

3. Putting gloves on strings that run through the sleeves of a coat can be a good way to ensure they do not get lost. 


If your child has lost something, it is likely to be put back into the lost property rack. This is located on the ground floor, on the corridor outside the children's kitchen and children's toilets.