PSHE and RSE at London Fields
Click here for our PSHE and RSE policy
We believe that Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) and Relationship and Sex education (RSE) helps to give pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to make informed choices, lead confident, healthy, independent lives, in order to become active and responsible citizens. Through PSHE and RSE, we aim to give children the tools to make sense of their personal experiences, to understand and manage their feelings and to successfully navigate the world that they are growing up in.
Under the new statutory guidance issued by the DfE, Relationships and Health Education is now compulsory. The aim of Health Education is to give pupils the information that they need to make good decisions about their physical and mental health and wellbeing. The focus of Relationship Education is about teaching the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, with family members, other children and adults.
We believe that to be effective, Relationship and Sex education (RSE) should always be taught within a broader Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) education programme. PSHE and RSE enhances and is enhanced by learning related to topics including: keeping physical and mentally healthy; respectful and healthy relationships; emotional and mental wellbeing; and the development of skills and attributes such as communication skills, risk management and decision making. Lessons will be evidence based, age and culturally appropriate, based in the law and sensitive to the needs of pupils
How is PSHE and RSE taught across Key Stages?
Early Years
The curriculum in EYFS prepares pupils for Year One and beyond. In Early Years PSED (Personal, Social and Emotional Development) is split into three areas:
- making relationships
- self-confidence and self-awareness
- managing feelings and behaviour
Children in Nursery and Reception and introduced to the Zones of Regulation through various modes such as role play, art, matching activities and social stories. In doing so, they are taught how to identify and describe their feelings, whilst also considering the feelings of others. Purposefully selected storytelling texts, alongside adult modelling and puppet shows, teach pupils how others may be feeling in a situation. As a part of the Launchpad for Language focus, they begin to consider positive relationships, including how to be a good friend, and see themselves as valuable individuals. Through doing so, we foster confidence and a positive self-image. Children develop their sense of responsibility and membership of a community and are aware of different occupations, taking part in local trips such as to Broadway Market, London Fields Park and local places of worship.
Click here for more general information about the curriculum.
Click here for more information about the EYFS curriculum.
KS1 and KS2
The 'Big Ideas' that underpin our curriculum are:
- Living in the Wider World
- Being Healthy
- Understanding Relationships
Learning knowledge in each of the ‘Big Ideas’ categories allows pupils to express and demonstrate their understanding of the Big Idea. These ‘Big Ideas’ are returned to over and over again so pupils gradually build an understanding of them.
Our bespoke PSHE and RSE curriculum has been thoughtfully developed to ensure it equips all pupils with the knowledge and skills needed to successfully navigate the world that they are growing up in. This is complemented by our Computing, Science and PE curriculum, along with our assemblies.
Assemblies at London Fields aims to promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. During assembly time, pupils are given opportunities to explore values, themes and beliefs and are encouraged to reflect on moral issues or dilemmas. Children are encouraged to develop an understanding of the ‘Can my mind feel well? Can my mind think well?’ agenda, in order to understand how to contribute to a better world. From identity, celebrations, equality and neurodiversity, to climate change, collaboration, staying safe and making decisions, children are given time to engage in thoughtful reflection and discussion.
PSHE and RSE is also promoted in the wider curriculum. Children take part in Philosophy for Children lessons in which they are exposed to and learn about the big philosophical questions that govern our lives. It introduces children to the ideas of the great philosophers, and allows them to develop their own philosophical questions and discussions. They are given the opportunity to explore social and moral issues and form their own opinions and beliefs, developing their sense of social and moral responsibility. They reflect on their personal experiences and learn about the importance of citizenship and our rights and responsibilities as British and global citizens.