London Fields Primary School

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Anti-Racist Statement

At London Fields, we work extremely hard to eliminate racism in our school. We recognise that pupils face racism in our community and beyond and we are committed to and will act on taking forward anti-racist practice. At London Fields we are ambitious, caring and inclusive in working for every pupil. As educationalists, we will work jointly with our pupils, families, staff and other professionals in building on the strong work already taking place in our school. We will continue to work towards being a beacon of excellence in inclusion and anti-racism.


We are committed to revisiting staff training and guidance to ensure that all staff:

  • feel confident that their duty to safeguard the pupils in our care comes above any other need
  • understand, and are able to counteract, any assumptions or actions that may lead to pupils being treated unfairly or unjustly
  • are able to act to protect pupils in crisis as if they were our own, seeking senior leader support if needed

We are committed to supporting and challenging each other to ensure this happens.


At London Fields, we are committed to creating an equitable environment, where all cultures and identities are recognised and feel empowered to explore and express what matters to them. Through an anti-racist approach, we work with our staff, parents and pupils to ensure our provision responds to the diverse needs of our learners and their communities. Our aim is to support the pupils in understanding their own rights and the rights of others, show tolerance and celebrate diversity in society and understand the consequences of racism and have the ability to challenge it.


Staff Professional Development

We are dedicated to improving the racial literacy of our staff through discussion and recognition of racial inequalities. In turn, our staff have the awareness and confidence to explore race within the classroom; challenge racial inequalities, assumptions and racism. As part of our ongoing anti-racist professional development, we offer our staff Unconscious Bias Training and take part in Anti-Racist Training. We encourage our staff to review the curriculum to ensure it promotes cultural self-esteem and recognise and correct the stories of Black culture. London Fields was fortunate enough to take part in a training programme with Dr Muna Abdi. Dr Muna Abdi is a leading Education Consultant and independent researcher. Her research and practice is grounded on the principles of anti-racist. With her support and expertise, the school formed a Equity, Equality and Diversity working party and created an action plan to help establish an anti-racist culture.


Parental Involvement

We seek to actively engage our parents and carers in our anti-racist approach, through listening and valuing their insight into how our school can promote anti-racism. We also provide support to our parents to ensure the work we are doing in the classroom is continued at home, so our pupils are confident advocates of tolerance, empathy and racial-equality. 


Our Curriculum

Our curriculum explores the themes of identity, belonging, diversity and social justice helping to prepare our children for their future. The curriculum supports pupils to create a strong set of values, which will enable them to reflect and make positive choices with confidence and strength in the world in which they live. We offer our pupils:

  • Classroom practice that promotes equality; celebrates diversity and values all voices.
  • Class libraries with diverse texts to reflect our pupils' realities, as well as teach them about experiences and perspectives which differ from their own.
  • A diverse reading curriculum with relevant texts and themes that challenge stereotypes and social inequality.
  • An Oracy curriculum that ensures children are debating topical issues, whilst developing their spoken communication and ability to articulate themselves – a crucial skill to ensure all pupils, regardless of their background, have the best opportunities later in life.
  • A curriculum which is relevant and representative of our school community and our local area; with topics that showcase and celebrate local and international black role models and the impact of immigration.
  • A Black History Month curriculum which builds on pupils' understanding of Black British history from Roman times to the present day.
  • Opportunities to learn about inspirational role models from a diverse background.
  • A PSHE curriculum that celebrates differences and teaches pupils about healthy relationships.
  • Restorative Justice practices.