MasterChef in Year 631 January 2020 (by jmcgarry) |
In cooking today, we used up all the ingredients which had not been used by other classes, making sure we do not contribute to food waste because we care about our environment and want to look after our planet and be resourceful, kind citizens.
We turned our lesson into our own version of MasterChef. We were split into five groups and were each given an onion, celery, a red pepper, spinach and crème fraiche. There were also six eggs, a 250g box of fresh tomatoes, a small block of Cheddar cheese and a small amount of Parmesan, which we had to share and/or allocate between the five groups. We also had access to rice, pasta, tinned tomatoes ,herbs and soy sauce and 6 eggs.
We had a great time and made five tasty dishes: rice with fried vegetables, tomato pasta with herbs, a vegetable soup, a vegetable pasta dish seasoned with cheese and egg-fried rice.