Happy Number Day!7 February 2025 (by abentley) |
What an amazing array of costumes!
Today is Number Day and we are so impressed with all the effort that children have put into their costumes - we've had amazingly mathematical t-shirts, Uno cards, calculators, maths teachers and one year 5 even made their own dice earrings!
We've had a fantastic day and loved having the opportunity to show off the numbers all around us. We've completed a number of puzzles across the school to rescue Buddy using clues from the witch, exonerate Herbie Rained and even compete against other schools as part of NSPCC Rocks on TimesTable Rockstars. We finished by reading a great book called 'How Many Jelly Beans?' which includes a huge picture of 1 million jelly beans - we were very tempted to count them all and check if there were really a million!