London Fields Primary School

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  1. News
  2. Year 5
  3. How do you keep your tea hot?

How do you keep your tea hot?

22 January 2025 (by raustin)

Year 5 put their knowledge of thermal conductors and thermal insulators to the test when asked the question: Which material is the best insulator of heat? The children conducted an experiment to find out which material (bubble wrap, felt or aluminum foil) would keep a cup of tea the most hot. After considering independent and dependent variables, the children measured the temperature of each cup of tea using a thermometer. They repeated this at regular intervals and recorded their results in a table. Drawing upon their learning in maths, the children recorded their results in a comparative line graph. Their results and graph revealed that the foil was a thermal insulator and therefore kept the tea the warmest. Thanks to the Year 5 scientists, our tea will never go cold again!