London Fields Primary School

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  1. News
  2. Year 4
  3. I would like to visit the moon!

I would like to visit the moon!

15 January 2025 (by Katherine Gillard (kgillard))

Year 4 have been writing some wonderful poems about the moon.

Year 4 are really enjoying the poems in Grace Nichols' poetry book, Cosmic Disco. A group of Y4 children were set the challenge to write a poem about the moon. They took inspiration from other poems they had read and included some similar poetic devices in their poems. Using similes can be a fantastic way to help paint a picture in the reader's head and also help express your feelings about your subject matter. 

The Y4 children were extremely proud of their poems and so were we!

Y4 children were also excited to hear that they will be learning more about the moon and space in future Art and Design and Science topics- we will keep you posted about how their learning develops!