London Fields Primary School

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  1. News
  2. Whole School
  3. Apple Fayre at London Fields!

Apple Fayre at London Fields!

15 October 2024 (by Natalie (nski))

On Monday 14th of October 2024 the Eco team organized another whole school tasting, this time with apples. The apples have been kindly donated to us by Perry Court Farm and are locally grown. Many of the varieties of apples are not commercially available, so we were all in for a treat!

The children also tries some juice and apple muffins and chose their favourite apples. Some liked sweet ones and some were quite fond of the sour tasting apples. We also had some fun apple games!

The Eco team were fantastic, ensuring there is a never ending supply of cut apples and promoting the eating of fruits and vegetables as a sustainable and easy way to become more eco friendly.