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  1. News
  2. Design and Technology
  3. What makes a healthy, portable snack?

What makes a healthy, portable snack?

22 July 2024 (by Sarah Blaikie (sblaikie))

In Year 3 for our last full week, we were given a live brief by a company who were committed to bringing a new snack to the market that would be easy to take on-the-go but most importantly, it needed to be a healthy and tasty option.

We practised our preparation skills so that we would be ready for our time cooking in the kitchen. We then completed market research by looking at, comparing and even tasting real snacks offered from local shops. We talked about what we liked and why, and thought about how each of those snacks could be made healthier by swapping out certain ingredients for ones that would create a more balanced meal. We then drew and eventually made our final designs, which included wholemeal sandwiches with a rainbow of salad and fillings, and seeded wraps.