London Fields Primary School

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  1. News
  2. Year 3
  3. Fieldwork trip to Shoeburyness!

Fieldwork trip to Shoeburyness!

17 May 2024 (by Sarah Blaikie (sblaikie))

A great day out!

Yesterday, the Year 3's donned their 'Geographer' hats and travelled all the way to the Essex coast to complete some fieldwork, rounding out their two week learning journey about the coast, coastal communities and coastal defences.

We saw some of the defences we had been learning about up close, such as groynes and rock armour. We spotted all kinds of boats, some of which we noticed were used for jobs like fishing and transport, and then we walked up and down the promenade to discover what people's homes and businesses look like in comparison to the ones we are used to in Hackney. We made sketches, applying our art and design drawing skills, and wrote notes about our comparisons.

The children even had time to find marine life in the sand and rocks as the sea receeded with the tide. It was very exciting!