London Fields Primary School

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  1. News
  2. English
  3. Walk and Talk Trail

Walk and Talk Trail

27 March 2024 (by Alex Hurst (ahurst))

The Better Health Start for Life campaign is led by the National Literacy Trust and produce some wonderful, free resources for parents and carers to support children's communication and language.

As we reach the two week break, the EYFS team wanted to share their latest resource 'The Walk and Talk Trail'. They are a card set, designed for an urban environment and provide tips for igniting new and exciting conversations with your child whilst out and about. The cards are available in seventeen languages and will enhance interactions, supporting the development of communication, language and literacy. 

The card set is attached and can be downloaded. Please visit the website link below to download in a different language.

If you do use these as a holiday activity, the team would love your feedback.