Amazing Myths!9 January 2024 (by Katherine Gillard (kgillard)) |
Y6 children wrote their own Greek myth.
Y6 recapped on their Y5 history learning about Ancient Greece- it was impressive how much they had remembered! The children had loved reading Greek myths in Y5 and were reminded of some of them today. This inspired the children to compose their own Greek myth during their Creative Writing lesson. Greek myths helped explain things such as the weather, and gave meaning to the world that people saw around them. The Y6 children wrote myths explaining why thunder exists, why oceans were formed, why we have hurricanes etc. They worked in groups to plan their story by creating a series of freeze-frames. They then thought about Y6 English knowledge they have been learning and what they could showcase in their myth. They thought this would be a good piece of writing to demonstrate knowledge such as using dashes and brackets to add extra information for the reader, writing in clear paragraphs to structure their writing, describing characters and settings using a range of descriptive techniques such as personification and interweaving dialogue into their narrative. The myths made for a fantastic read. Well done Y6!