London Fields Primary School

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  1. News
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  3. Nursery go on a listening walk and leaf hunt in London Fields Park

Nursery go on a listening walk and leaf hunt in London Fields Park

13 November 2023 (by Suhaila El Bakhchioui (selbakhchioui))

Today Nursery went on their very first local trip!

For the first part of our trip, we walked in pairs, using our listening ears, exploring all the different sound we could hear on our way to London Fields Park!

Upon reaching the park, Nursery observed the seasonal changes from the weather, sky, leaves and trees. Using images of what some of our local plants and leaves looked like in the Summer, Nursery went on a hunt, finding the leaves and comparing them from their current state to the pictures of the leaves in Summer. In addition to discussing the changes we have noticed in our natural surroundings, Nursery learnt that leaves fall to the ground and as they get old and provide food to the soil.

Well done Nursery on your first trip!