World Book Day!6 March 2023 (by Katherine Gillard (kgillard)) |
We had fantastic day celebrating the beauty of books!
We all enjoyed a fantastic World Book Day! It was lovely seeing so many of you come dressed in PJs making the connection to bedtime, which is the time of day when many of us read or are read to! We had lots of fun throughout the day including dance workshops inspired by books, book clubs where we shared our book recommendations, a D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything And Read regardless of what you are doing!), hanging out in the library enjoying the books on offer, pairing up with other year groups to read to them and a teacher swap, where a 'surprise' teacher from another class visited our class to read us a 'bedtime' story while we had a night time snack of milk and a biscuit! We love reading at London Fields but it was lovely to have a day focusing on the beauty of books!
Thank to everyone for making it such a fun day!